
Sl.Infrastructure NameInfrastructure Area
1Total Land Area of the Institute (in square feet)35938 sq ft
2Total land area earmarked for Teacher Education Programme (in square feet)35938 sq ft
3Total Built-up area of the Institute (in square feet)22737 sq ft
4Total built up area earmarked for Teacher Education Programme (in square feet)22737 sq ft
5Land in the name/favour ofDurgapur Anandamoy B.Ed. College
6Type of DeedRegistered Deed of Sale
7Whether the institution has obtained the mutation order or notYes
8Plot Number in building plan78,79
9Khata/Khasra Number964
10Competent Authority which approved the Building planDISTRICT ENGINEER
11Competent Authority which approved the building completion certificateDISTRICT ENGINEER
12Order Number1054
13Date of order09/09/2015
14Size of the Multipurpose Hall (In square feet)2269 sq ft
15Student Capacity of the Multipurpose Hall300
16Whether Multi-purpose playfield available or notYes
17Area of Library-cum Reading Room (In square feet)844 sq ft
18Number of Class Room4
20Number of Lab10
22Language Lab
23Geography Lab
24Mathematics Lab
25Psychology Lab
26Physics Lab
27Chemistry lab
28Biology Lab
29Work Education Lab
30Health & Physical Lab
31E.T. Lab